This Puerto Rico travel guide has been a labor of love and passion and it is finally finished!  After traveling the island beginning in 2010, I began realizing that I had more photos, videos, and information about some cool travel spots in the short span of two years.  In 2012, I set a goal to finish this book no matter how long it took me.  Mission accomplished.  Book is done, and boy oh boy does it have a surprise ending (hey, at least for me as the creative influence behind this project).  Along the way I also became a concierge at one of the best hotels of San Juan.  Funny how when you set a goal, life does lead you where you need to go to make the connections you need to make, to be of service to others.  I absolutely love what I’ve accomplished, and can’t wait to share it with the world!

This is simply just a brief update blog post to be on the lookout within these next few months for the official launch of book, some website updates, and a new goal and mission to make this site and interactive travel book the best Puerto Rico travel guide resource.  When I say the best, I mean, beyond the best.  It’s now my mission and purpose to be of service to all who travel to this island which is now my home.

The Launch & Firewords Are Coming July 4th, 2015

Yes, I meant to write firewords.  I didn’t meant to at first, but then I kinda liked it so it stays.  Well, if you’re reading this in the future (after 2015), it’s already uploaded.  Just download the book.  I hope you take something from my small story for your own personal journey, and in the meantime I’ll be giving you ideas on what to do and see in Puerto Rico.  Not a bad proposition.  Check it out!

If you happen to read this after I publish this Puerto Rico travel blog update in April 2015, just know that you can email me for anything you need at  The book is in the final stages of being uploaded to the Apple iBookstore, and with the launch of the ability for you to download the book from this website directly as well.  For you Android users, for now you will have to opportunity to download it in a Puerto Rico Travel Guide pdf format.  We are aiming for a cool 4th of July launch.  Why not?  I’m still American.  I love fireworks.  And WE still have  some more work to do for launch.  Should have this out to the world and begin to celebrate in the Summer.  In the meantime you can download the sample chapter below!

The Force Awakens

This has nothing to do with Puerto Rico.  But wow, wasn’t the trailer of the new Star Wars movie beyond epic?  Yes.


“The Force is strong in my family. My father has it… I have it… my sister has it… you have that power, too. “

